A Federally Funded Free & Reduced Lunch program application is based on income and size of family. Based on the information received, your child may qualify for free or reduced-priced meals.
Where do I get an application?
You may apply online or request an application from the campus office, cafeteria manager or come by Food Service’s office at 16255 Great Oaks Drive, Suite 100. You may call 512-464-8382 if you have any questions regarding free and reduced meals.
Click here to apply online for Free or Reduced-Priced Meals.
How long does it take to find out if my child qualifies and how will I find out?
It can take up to 5-10 business days to process an application. Applications that are completed online are processed more quickly than paper applications. Apply online. You will be mailed or emailed a letter stating the outcome of your application (Please check your spam folder). Our cafeteria point-of-sale system will automatically update. Please contact our office to inquire about the status of your application.
Do I need a separate application for each child?
No, you can list all household members who are infants, children, and students up to and including grade 12 on the same application. However, if you have foster children you will need a separate application for each one.
Do I need to re-apply every year?
Yes, a new application must be completed each school year. Students with approved applications on file from the previous school year will receive the same free or reduced-price meal benefits for the first 30 in-service days of school. After that, any family who has not submitted a new application will have meal benefits terminated after the first 30 in-service days of school.
Will my eligibility status transfer from another school district?
No, you will need to fill out Round Rock ISD application.